swedish milkmaid's cheeks kinda pink

This certainly isn't my most inspirational outfit, but this was one of the last days where I was able to roam around the city like a fancy-free gypsy, during the regular working hours of 9-5, monday to friday. So wearing a baggy shirt, no pants and my deacde old moccasins seemed like the only suitable outfit.

It's been a long time coming, but I just started a new job at a writing company this week and I couldn't be happier. The job is amazing and I adore the people I work for, so I am feeling pretty pretty pretty content with life right now!
I know I have been a bit behind in replying to comments and I have not had the time to troll around all the blogs I usually read, but once I get my act together, rest assured I will get back to regular blogging ways.


Vintage hat and necklaces, American Apparel tights, FCUK sweater, mittens from Canteen, Winners scarf, gifted boots