there was definitely some excitement in the staircase that day

vintage blouse, brooch and boots, smart set skirt

and a couple in the middle


Busy, working and stressed. I'm managing more projects than there are days in the week lately, but other than the panic-stricken mornings, caffeine fueled nights and carpal tunnel I am feeling in my fingertips, life is good! No complaints over here! 

I just wanted to give a little shout out to all the people that have commented and emailed me regarding this blog. I really value all of your words and feedback, be it the good, bad or the ugly. 
I think most bloggers and heck, anyone putting themselves out there for friends, strangers and trollers of the internet to view, can attest that any reaction  you get when you make some of your private stuff public is always appreciated...and interesting....and welcomed.
So, thanks!
