denim jacket, dress, boots, pearl earrings, gold bangle:vintage belt:club monaco glasses:vera wang
image source unknown |
Call me slow on the update or maybe just a bad blogger; I haven’t posted anything substantial for a few days now.
It was one of those weekends that being an offline , semi-hermit was more appealing than any party/opening/fashion show/etc that was happening. As much as I love to be a gal around town, sipping and skipping through the nightlife of the city, this weekend I traded martinis and gallivanting for antique shopping, eggs at Jaks with a few dear friends, the film 9 songs (sexy. erotic. groundbreaking. might post some more thoughts on it…but I definitely recommend watching it), tea and cherry preserves and some serious face-time with my mini-schnauzer, Ingaborga.
Self medication, yes.